Coronavirus (CoVid-19) MedVids
Uma & I have been working through our spring breaks to make available the Coronavirus MedVideo. What has been challenging, though we have been watchin this space since late February, 2020, it was only recently that symptoms and preventions have become clearer.
Having studied the symptoms on our reference sites (WHO, CDC, & NIH), here is what we learnt:

Reference Links:
NIH and CDC symptoms are same word-to-word, which is better and not confusing.
Both WHO & CDC sites mention symptoms as a list and not as symptoms over lifetime of disease. CDC has pointed out emergency warning signs. Building on this hinking, we decided to add three levels of symptoms: initial, intermediate (emergency) and sever. This allows us to help group which symptoms are onset, when to contact the doctor and what to expect as this disease spreads.

Also, we decided to another topic of 'How It Spreads?'We believe that explaning that will help everyone to appreciate how to prevent it. Given its a contagoius disease, we decided also to expand "Prevention"to "Preventtion - How To Protect You"and "How To Protect Society
Finally, given its newness of this diseases, there is a growing myths around this disease. So we have added a page on myths vs facts.
Hope this helps.